Monday, June 11, 2012


Good Morning! It has been 8 months since I last blogged on this site, because the devil got in my way. He told me it was a waste of my time, no one was reading it any way, it was useless and futile. Have you ever been in that place? I find myself there a lot, but this morning during my bible devotions I decided that I would try this again. Discipline is the key... in most everything we do in life. I need to discipline myself to read my bible every day, to walk on the treadmill, to check my messages on my email account and I need to discipline myself to keep better communications in the work that God has called me to do. Our Sunday School Lesson this week was about commitments. We all have commitments in our life to our marriage, our children, our jobs, our family, our bills, our friends, but most importantly as Christians, we have a commitment to God. Where are you in life in honoring your commitments? God expects us to honor our commitments to Him and to others. I think one of our problems in society today is we over commit ourselves, therefore, automatically setting ourselves up for failure. Pray for me as I try and discipline myself to honor my commitments. "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10 There is a lot going on at Turner Ridge right now VBS is this week and there were as many children there last night as there were workers. This says alot about the willingness to serve the Lord that Turner Ridge has. Remember to pray for the children and workers this week. We are also busy preparing for the church Mission Trip to Inez and Haven of Rest. Please pray for the ones going on this Mission Trip and the families they will be impacting. Pray for our Women on Mission Group and pray for me as I try to center myself in the middle of God's Will for my life. I am trying to GROW and in the fast paced world I live in with all my commitments and obligations, I sometimes forget to water myself. Join me in Growing in a deeper relationship with God and in honoring our commitments. How can we begin our journey? 1. G - God first, listen for what God is saying to us. 2. R - Read, read your BIBLE, water yourself, spend time in the Word. 3. O - Obedience- Be obedient to God's call in your life. Obedient to reading the Bible and serving. 4. W -Worship- We need to worship and serve Him with all our hearts. On a scale of 1-10 how well are you keeping your commitments to the Lord?